1980 to the Millenium (and beyond!)

In 1985 we returned to The Old Swan Hotel for the 40th season with the Ray Cooney farce, “Move Over Mrs. Markham”, “Forty-simmo”, a light hearted review, and Harold Pinter’s play “Birthday Party”.

In February 1986, to conclude a year of celebrations a dinner-dance was held in the ballroom of the Old Swan Hotel, attended by the Mayor and all the Presidents of all the societies in Harrogate.

In 1988 we risked the Francis Durbridge thriller, “Deadly Nightcap” in the Theatre main-house, despite the rent being £3000 a week. Luckily this production was a great success. The society was then able to continue to play one main house and three Studio productions per season.

The 1990’s

1995 Our Golden Anniversary loomed. Sadly, Joan Chamley (our wonderful wardrobe mistress of 30 years) died, so we had to find storage space for our ever-increasing wardrobe department. As the top floor of 59 became available we decided to take the opportunity to move our wardrobe department there. We saved money by having a modest 50th anniversary party at Harrogate Golf Club rather than a lavish dinner dance with guests.

The summer was spent re-furbishing 59. Our wardrobe and props departments were moved upstairs, which meant we could now create a Green Room with a carpet and comfortable furniture. Joan Chamley’s bequest to the society of £2000 paid for the work.

The Millenium

We did not make a very successful entry into the new millennium…in fact at our 2000 AGM the Treasurer had to report a serious loss on the season. Costs were rising, rents at the Theatre and 59 were at an all-time high. So Membership fees rose from £15 to £20 and ticket prices were slightly increased.

Consequently, the next season, every play was a financial as well as artistic success. Members rallied round and organised fund-raising events and at the 2001 AGM it was announced that not only had we wiped out the debt, we had made a profit!

February 2008 “I’ve been to a marvellous party” – Our wonderful President, Joan Mallett passed away.

Joan had been involved with the Society for many years and is sadly missed by all who knew her. The energy, strength and enthusiasm she threw into her time with HDS was remarkable and she remained a strong supporter until the day she died.”

(Stuart Kellett, Chairman HDS 2007 – 2010 & 2013 – present day)